The following is some of the range that we grow over a year. To see what we have in stock right now download our Availability list here  plant-availability...

Cordyline 'Kaspar' (Cabbage Tree)


 Common Name:


Three Kings Island Cabbage Tree. 




An attractive tree with broad, lime green foliage. Single trunk branches into a multi- headed plant with age.




Large panicles of white flowers in summer. 




4m x 2m


Growing Conditions:


Can be planted in full sun or part shade. Hardy to extreme conditions, but best when sheltered from drying winds and planted in free draining soils.




Older leaves will naturally yellow and then fall off, these can be trimmed off early for appearance. Cordyline can be susceptible to Caterpillars through spring and summer. Apply a general insectide to control them. You can also have some success using warm soapy water. Pour down the plant to ensure the mixture gets between the leaves. A regular application of slow release fertiliser will keep the foliage looking fresh and healthy.



  • As a feature or specimen plant. Mass plant for extra effect.  
  • Great in containers.
  • Looks good when used to give height to a drift planting of grasses or flaxes. Especially the miniature toi toi, Chinochloa flavicans.



Cordyline 'Kaspar' is a great plant for adding dramatic foliage and height to a modern or native garden. Imagine a planting up a driveway or along a fence line with a suitable under- planting.
