The following is some of the range that we grow over a year. To see what we have in stock right now download our Availability list here  plant-availability...

Passiflora edulis (Purple Passionfruit)


Common Name:

Passionfruit Vine.


A vigorous, evergreen climber with large, lush green leaves.


Small white flowers are following by egg sized, purple fruit. The vines start bearing fruit from a young age and are ripe once they have turned purple and begin falling.


As a climber it can reach 5m but is easily kept tidy with pruning.

Growing Conditions:

Passion fruit needs a warm, sunny and sheltered position. Will grow well in a hothouse. It is originally a sub-tropical plant from South America and as such it is very frost tender. Older plants can withstand the occasional light frost but watch those new growing tips. They need well worked soil that isn’t water logged.


Passionfruit have shallow root systems so it is important to watch watering, especially when they are fruiting. A good layer of mulch will help here. They are heavy feeding plants and response well to good applications of slow release fertiliser.

The biggest reason vines die is root rot. Watch the canes aren’t damaged and that the soil is well drained. Look out for insects such as Thrips, Aphids and Leaf Hoppers. Deal with them accordingly.


  • A great climber for trellis, fences, pergolas and growing through trees.
  • The fruit is awesome to eat straight off the vine but is also good for ice- cream topping, sauces and in juices or cocktails.


Passionfruit is self- fertile so you only new one plant. Fruit forms on new season’s growth, so prune in spring to encourage lots of new growth. Pinch out the growing tip to produce laterals.