The following is some of the range that we grow over a year. To see what we have in stock right now download our Availability list here  plant-availability...

Anemanthele lessoniana (Wind, Gossamer or Bamboo grass)


Common Name:

Gossamer Grass, Wind Grass.




This native is one of the taller growing grasses. The foliage shows hints of green, bronze and pink. A beautiful wavy form that reflects its common name: Wind Grass.




Fluffy red-pink seed heads in the summer.




1m x 75cm.


Growth Conditions:


Grows in most soils with good drainage. Prefers light shade but will grow in full sun. If planted in shade the foliage tends to stay a dark green, the colour comes from being in the sunlight. Once established it is tolerant of dry conditions, but will still need a good watering occasionally.




Requires little care. Pulling a garden rake through to pull out old growth will help to keep the plant looking fresh.



  • Mass planting combined with other spiky plants.
  • Perfect for dry shade under large trees.
  • Looks good in big drifts.

Continue to Astelia banksii or back to Grasses and Flaxes.


 Companion Plants:

Hebe topiaraChinochloa flavicansAstelia chathamica.

Alternative Plants:

Chinochloa flavicans, Chinochloa rubra, Phormium ‘Dark Delight’.