The following is some of the range that we grow over a year. To see what we have in stock right now download our Availability list here  plant-availability...

Muehlenbeckia complexa


Common Name:

Pohuehue, Wire Vine.


A sprawling shrub of tangled stems that hold small green leaves.


Tiny, creamy yellow flowers are followed by small berries.


Will spread up to 2m but can be trimmed to create a rounded ball or hedge.

Growing Conditions:

complexa is naturally found on sand dunes and coastal areas. Is happy in most spots and will grow in sun or semi-shade.


Trim for size and shape, otherwise pretty hardy and easy care.


A useful groundcover, especially for coastal areas. Can be trimmed to form a low hedge or carpet effect. You can also train it up a wire fence to create an attractive screen.


 A quick growing native that forms a dense mat of foliage. Great for bank cover and rapid coverage.


Companion Plants:

Libertia ixioides, Hebe 'Wiri Mist', Coprosma 'Red Rocks'

Alternative Plants:

Muehlenbeckia axillaris, Rosmarinus 'Prostrata', Leptinella 'Platt's Black