The following is some of the range that we grow over a year. To see what we have in stock right now download our Availability list here  plant-availability...

Selliera radicans


Common Name:

Swamp Weed


A tight mat forming groundcover with small fleshy green leaves.


Tiny white flowers in summer.


5cm x 1m spread. Can be kept to required size.

Growing Conditions:

Selliera does well in moist to wet soils and is happy in sunny or shady spots.


Little care is needed. Trim back if size is an issue otherwise it can be left to do its thing.


·         Useful groundcover for difficult positions. Very good at suppressing weeds.

·         Will spill over retaining walls and rockeries. Plant in crib walls for fast cover.


While this native has an unfortunate common name and doesn’t have the showiest of flowers it is very good at what it does. That is to provide a dense, clumping groundcover for damp spaces. It is considered hardy and will handle a fair amount of foot traffic without damage.


Companion Plants:

Arthropodium 'Parnell', Asplenium bulberferum, Hosta 'Moonlight'

Alternative Plants:

Leptinella dioca, Pratia angulata, Gunners prorepens