The following is some of the range that we grow over a year. To see what we have in stock right now download our Availability list here  plant-availability...

Scleranthus biflorus


Common Name:

New Zealand Moss




A native groundcover that forms a tight mound of green foliage.




Very tiny white flowers on small stems appear in summer.




Spreads to approximately 70cm.


Growing Conditions:


A hardy groundcover that does best in full sun to keep tight foliage growth.




Prevent Scleranthus from getting too wet. Plants that have rotted in the centre can be encouraged back by spreading a small amount of sand in the gap.




  • Use in containers with other spreaders like Acaena, or around Libertia.
  • Great in rock gardens.
  • A useful groundcover, especially in a river-stone or pebble mulch with grasses.

Companion Plants:

Acaena purpurea Carex testacea Heuchera ‘Amethyst’ Libertia peregrinans

Alternative Plants:


Acaena purpurea Sagina aurea Selleria radicans