The following is some of the range that we grow over a year. To see what we have in stock right now download our Availability list here  plant-availability...

Hebe evenosa


Common Name:



A hardy native shrub valued for its hardy nature and beautiful display of flower, form and foliage. From the Tararua Ranges this Hebe forms a rounded ball of lime green foliage.


Small white flowers in summer.


 1m x 1m

Growing Conditions:

Hebes are very easy to grow and will thrive in any reasonable soil. They can tolerate wind, salt, sun, frost and coastal conditions. Plenty of flower make them a valuable landscaping plant.


Hebe are generally trouble free but periodic pruning and feeding after flowering will encourage lush, bushy growth and maximum colour.

They can occasionally be prone to Aphids which enjoy the soft spring growth and Mildew during winter. A suitable spray will fix this.


·         Excellent choice for mass planting on banks and retaining walls.

·         Whipcord forms are perfect for banks, rockeries and alpine gardens.

·         Smaller leaved forms make colourful informal hedging.

·         Suitable for coastal plantings and other exposed positions.


We have had Hebe described as ‘round about’ plants and while they are certainly planted a lot by councils it is with good reason. Hebes are incredibly popular throughout Europe and breeders in the UK have introduced a number of new varieties that are being imported back into New Zealand. With their range of leaf form and colour they shouldn’t just be relegated to native plantings.