The following is some of the range that we grow over a year. To see what we have in stock right now download our Availability list here  plant-availability...

Malus 'Tom Matthews' (Crab Apple)


Common Name:

Crap Apple, Malus


A delightful blossom tree that provides an irresistible combination of flower, edible fruit and foliage colour.


Single red flowers followed by small red fruit.


3m x 2m

Growing Conditions:

Despite their delicate look these are fairly hardy trees but like all Blossom trees like to be planted in a sunny spot that is protected from strong winds.

They can tolerate a range of soil conditions but prefer a well worked, fertile and free draining soil. Dig through lots of compost to create this.


  • Early pruning will help create a well-shaped framework. Prune out any broken, dead or diseased branches at any time.
  • Feed occasionally to encourage flower and fruit production or if tree is looking tired.
  • Malus can be affected by a number of diseases including Powdery Mildew, Rust and Apple Scab. These are all treatable with a suitable spray but many of today’s selections are quite resistant.


  • A delightful flowering tree for lawn, garden or as an avenue planting.
  • Useful tree for patios, smaller courtyard gardens and large containers.
  • A great alternative for Cherry Blossoms. Similar burst of flower colour but on a smaller frame.


Why Crab apple? Well it has nothing to do with snapping crustaceans but is a reference to the sharp tangy taste of the fruit. While they are edible straight from the tree they are often best used for cooking purposes.

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