The following is some of the range that we grow over a year. To see what we have in stock right now download our Availability list here  plant-availability...

Eriostemon myoporoides 'Profusion'


 Common Name: 

Wax Flower.
A small, compact shrub with tiny leathery leaves. 
Clusters of small white, star like flowers appear through summer. 
1.5m x 1.5m 
Growing Conditions: 
Will grow in full sun or partial shade. does best in well worked soil that is free draining and not too heavy. Once established they will tolerate frost and dry conditions.
Needs little care in terms of pests and dieseases but responses well to an occasional prune for size and shape. An excellent flower for picking, which at the same time would keep them pruned. 

  • A hardy, easy care option for pots on the deck or entrance way.
  • Makes a nice, showy, informal divide or hedge.
  • Plant for hardy, summer colour and to pick the flowers.


Definitely a 'tried and true' shrub. Easy care, hardy to most conditions and long lasting flowers are just some of the reasons you should choose this shrub.

Continue to Griselinia lucida or back to Shrubs - Medium .



 Companion Plants:

Coleonema 'Sunset Gold'Nandina 'Pgymy'Convulvulus cneorum

Alternative Plants:

Westringia fruiticosa, Choiysa ternata, Leptospermum 'Wiri Susan'